Introduction to Programming for Medical Image Analysis with Visualization Toolkit (VTK)

  • Title Introduction to Programming for Medical Image Analysis with Visualization Toolkit (VTK)
  • Author(s) Xenophon Papademetris and Alark Joshi
  • Publisher: (2009)
  • eBook Online, PDF, 283 pages
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Book Description
This book is an edited collection of class handouts that I wrote for the graduate seminar "Programming for Medical Image Analysis" (ENAS 920a) that was taught at Yale University, Department of Biomedical Engineering, in the Fall of 2006. My goal for the class was to provide sufficient introductory material for a typical 1st year engineering graduate student with some background in programming in C and C++ to acquire the skills to leverage modern open source toolkits in medical image analysis and visualization such as the Visualization Toolkit (VTK)[?] and, to a lesser extent, the Insight Toolkit (ITK)[?].
About the Authors
  • Hubert Nguyen, Manager of Developer Education at NVIDIA, is a graphics engineer who worked in the NVIDIA Demo Team before moving to his current position. His work is featured on the covers of GPU Gems (Addison-Wesley, 2004) and GPU Gems 2 (Addison-Wesley, 2006).
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