UML Process

  • Title UML Process
  • Author(s) Sharam Hekmat
  • Publisher: (2005)
  • Hardcover N/A
  • eBook Online, PDF, 60 pages, 178 KB
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: N/A
  • ISBN-13: N/A

Book Description
UML Process is a defined process for developing software systems using object technology. The purpose of this document is to define the UML Process at a level that is suitable for practitioners who have had no prior exposure to a similar process.
This book is intended to be a concise guide to the UML processes it covers, rather than giving a detailed description of each process. By focusing on the key concepts (and deferring the practical details to workshops and mentoring sessions), we can maximise the usefulness of the handbook as a learning tool.
About the Author(s)
  • Sharam Hekmat is passionate about IT and enjoy working with people from whom I can learn – that means just about everyone I know.
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